FAQs ULTIMATE Gutter Cleaner
ULTIMATE Gutter Cleaner FAQs

ULTIMATE Gutter Cleaner is shipped the same day USPS 2-3 Day Priority Mail or UPS.
How Long Will it Take to Clean
Spray on. Wipe off with a clean cloth. It truly is that easy. We recommend using the cleaner when outdoor temp is above 50 degrees.
NOTE: If your gutter is oxidized - this means the paint finish is worn & the protective coating is gone - unfortunately the gutters will need to be replaced. The cleaner will not be effective, the cleaner will not add paint to the gutters.
*Always follow up a cleaning with a quick Original Gutter Edge installation to prevent further stains from occurring.
How Many Feet Will 1 Bottle Clean?
The cleaner footage varies depending on the staining of the gutter. Other conditions include what type of staining: dirt, algae and the tiger striping. On average the cleaner will clean 80-100' of gutter per bottle.
Does it remove Tiger Striping from my Gutter?
Completely. It works instantly to remove the gutter stains. We have not found one cleaner that actually does that, most companies advertise their cleaner will give you those results. Gutter Edge Gutter Cleaner will remove ALL STAINS.
Can I use Ultimate Gutter Cleaner on aluminum siding?
Can be used on almost any surface. ALWAYS TEST ON AN UNDISCLOSED AREA FIRST. If the siding is oxidized you could have an issue. Remember oxidized means the protective coating on the aluminum is gone, this applies to any aluminum surface.
100% All Natural Ingredients
The cleaner is 100% non-toxic and using all-natural, organic ingredients. It is safe around kids, pets and plants. Still don't believe us? See the below video or check our reviews out on Amazon.com to see how amazed our customers are.
Quality Standards
The ULTIMATE Gutter Cleaner is safe, made from organic products, and delivered in a 4x concentrated formula. There are many additional uses.
For Contractors
Aluminum or Vinyl Siding
Painted & Enamel Surfaces
Stainless Steel / Formica & Wood
Floors & Walls
For Home Cleaning & Housekeeping
Cleaning Carpets
Kitchen / General Purpose
Countertops / Removing Grease
Bathroom Tub / Soap Scum
Mildew / Water Spots
Spot Cleaning
Patio Furniture
White Walls
For Auto Mechanics
Tires, Brakes Parts
Engine Degreasing
Recreational Vehicles
For HVAC Contractors
Air Conditioning Ducts & Air Filters